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 -- J.R.R. Tolkien The Children of Hurin
- COGNIShunt -

General Information:

Wikipedia entry:
Dr. Ray Shahelien entry: 



An interesting question would be, what happens to the amyloid beta if scyllitol dissolves it?  Imagine a jar full of paint thinner.  Dip your paintbrush into the jar, and the paint comes off the brush, but it's now dissolved in the paint thinner.  If the paint thinner evaporates, the once dissolved paint coats the bottom of the jar.  Perhaps if scyllitol dissolves amyloid beta plaques, then a device such as the COGNIshunt would be needed to clear out the contaminated fluid.

However, the company that was developing the COGNIShunt, Eunoe, Inc. "ceased operations" in 2005.  I guess this means they went out of business.  A company called Integra LifeSciences bought the "intellectual property" of Eunoe, Inc.  But in Integra's December 31, 2006 Annual Report they seem to claim the cost of this aquisition as a loss:

"In September 2005, we acquired the intellectual property estate of Eunoe, Inc. for $0.5 million in cash. Prior to ceasing operations, Eunoe, Inc. was engaged in the development of its innovative COGNIShunt® system for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease patients. The acquired intellectual property has not been developed into a product that has been approved or cleared by the FDA and has no future alternative use other than in clinical applications involving the regulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Accordingly, we recorded the entire acquisition price as an in-process research and development charge in 2005."

Hmmm.  Too bad.  Seemed like a promising idea.  Was there any real science behind this?  Or was this some sort of bad joke on us all in order to perpetuate some sort of investment scam?  I hope not.

Known sources:

Natural sources:



From the Intregra LifeSciences annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006

"In September 2005, we acquired the intellectual property estate of Eunoe, Inc. for $0.5 million in cash. Prior to ceasing operations, Eunoe, Inc. was engaged in the development of its innovative COGNIShunt® system for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease patients. The acquired intellectual property has not been developed into a product that has been approved or cleared by the FDA and has no future alternative use other than in clinical applications involving the regulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Accordingly, we recorded the entire acquisition price as an in-process research and development charge in 2005."


Alzheimer's Breakthrough Could Halt Disease
New Procedure May Even Reverse Symptoms

10:46 a.m. PST November 19, 2003
UPDATED: 11:32 a.m. PST November 19, 2003

LOS ANGELES -- A new procedure may be the first to halt the progression of Alzheimer's disease -- it may even reverse symptoms.

We hear so much about Alzheimer's treatments, all of which have failed to pan out -- until now. The new procedure involves the COGNIShunt® Device and it may be the first to actually help treat the disease.

Norma Thaier's doctor recently told her she was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. "This is a terrible disease. It steals your mind," said Thaier, whose symptoms are mild now. Thaier's symptoms may never get worse, thanks to the COGNIShunt®.

"I think I was lucky to get into this study," said Thaier. Researchers implanted the tiny shunt in Thaier's brain nine months ago.

Dr. George Grossberg said the treatment continually draws a small amount of spinal fluid off the brain, and that may prevent the damage thought to cause the symptoms of Alzheimer's.

"What's special and unique about the COGNIShunt®, is that it's almost like a circulatory device," explained Grossberg.

Drugs In Clinical Trials

Development Status:  investigational
FDA Phase:  Phase II/IIa/IIb
Primary Medical Role:  COGNIShunt® System is a cerebrospinal fluid shunt similar but not identical to shunts used for the treatment of children and adults with hydrocephalus. The COGNIShunt® has been engineered specifically to provide a low flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in individuals without hydrocephalus and is designed to improve CSF clearance without the over drainage of CSF.
Role in Alzheimer's Disease:  Cerebrospinal fluid production and turnover diminish with age and may be further diminished in Alzheimer's disease. Flow-regulated drainage of CSF drainage may reduce the accumulation of proteins such as tau and β-amyloid and other inflammatory mediators implicated in AD.

Emory Studies COGNIShunt Device For Alzheimer's Treatment
Neurologists at Emory University are studying a possible new treatment for Alzheimer's disease using a device called the COGNIShunt, designed to drain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the skull and into the abdominal cavity. By reducing the build-up of CSF around the brain, doctors hope this device will help to stabilize the disease.

COGNIShunt® System for Alzheimer's Disease

This study has been completed.

Sponsored by: Eunoe
Information provided by: National Institute on Aging (NIA)
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00056628

This is a study of the effect on the progression of Alzheimer's Disease of a surgically implanted shunt (tube) to increase the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and improve the clearance of potential neurotoxins from the fluid bathing the brain.

Google search on "COGNIShunt"

About COGNIShunt and Alzheimer’s diseaseFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
COGNIShunt is similar to the shunt used to treat hydrocephalus, a ...
COGNIShunt is not commercially available for sale or distribution. ...




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Updated: July 25, 2012
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